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  1. Wecandoo
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  3. Our artisans
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  5. Studio Vlinderboom

Meet Studio Vlinderboom.

Risography studio


Meet Dasha and Diede, the driving forces behind Risoprinting studio Studio Vlinderboom. Dasha and Diede met in art school, where they were introduced to Risography printing and immediately drawn to its vibrant colours and unique texture. This led then to pursue the craft further. 

Studio Vlinderboom's playful approach to Risography printmaking focuses on collaboration and storytelling. Dasha and Diede use the technique to create individual prints as well as publications and zines. 

The studio uses a machine that was disregarded by Dasha and Diede's art school. They refurbished and restored it. Riso was popular printing technique in the early 2000s, but the craft is getting lost due to the transition to more effective methods. Only artists like Dasha and Diede keep the craft alive. 

Studio Vlinderboom has participated in well-known print markets such as Wobby Wonderland, Les VoiZines in Ghent and the NDSM print market. They co-created a collective zine with ZIJN printmakers and their artworks are available in stores across Europe, including Boekie Woekie in Amsterdam. In 2022 the studio was runner-up for the Ghent Small Press Big Award. 

Dasha and DIede organise workshops to share their skills and passion. Their goal is to encourage others to enjoy making prints and to help grow the Risography community in Amsterdam.