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per personThe workshop in detail
During this workshop, you will discover Japanese bookbinding from every angle! This traditional technique involving only thread and paper is particularly appreciated in Asia for its minimalist and thrifty aspects.
Janine is a great fan of her art, and she will happily share her expertise with you during the creation of your own bound notebook.
You will have the opportunity to personalise your notebook as you wish, from thread to cover.
She will accompany you in the creation of the notebook: cutting the paper, measuring, punching... You will complete all the steps with great patience.
Armed with a punch and a needle, you will draw the pattern and prepare the holes before threading the thread to create the binding.
You will learn the basics, but also techniques to go much further!
You will leave the workshop with your beautiful notebook (16 x 16 cm or A5 15 x 21 cm) to take on every one of your adventures!
Workshop location
The workshop is easily accessible by public transport.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Bookbinder and Box Maker
Janine began her career as an illustrator, but soon became obsessed with bookbinding. Through bookbinding (making sketchbooks), she found her way into box making. Janine really enjoys the traditional side of the work, but also keeps her other passion going: story-telling. Her boxes are three-dimensional illustrations of tales and myths, music, animals, a lost love or a family story.
After a few years at the Art College, she began creating her own sketchbooks and taught herself bookbinding.
Boxes, cabinets, closets and drawers have always been a fascination. Her graduation project as an illustrator consisted in the creation of an art cabinet, inspired by 17th century cabinets of curiosities, containing a personal collection of curiosities and pieces of her own work (including sketchbooks, illustrations and a screen-printed travel journal).
Jurrit d
Het was een hele fijne middag! Janine had prachtig papier en heeft alles super goed uitgelegd.
Miriam B
We hebben een interessante ervaring mogen beleven bij Janine. Wass onze 1e kennismaking met Wecandoo en vast niet de laatste. naar huismet een mooi noteboekje dat we op onze reis naar Japan gaan gebruiken.
Jill L
Het was een heel fijne en gezellige workshop. Mooie creatieve plek om te werken. Top instructies een een onwijs mooie papieren! Weer een toevoeging voor mijn liefde voor papier.
Annewien D
Het was een geweldige workshop, Japans boekbinden. Fijne sfeer, prettige ruimte, prachtig papier en goede instructie.
Aniko V
Lovely workshop! I really enjoyed choosing the size and paper for my notebook and binding it by hand. Janine is very knowledgeable and kind. Time flew by! :)
per person
Michelle S
Een heel leuke, leerzame middag gehad bij Janine. Goede uitleg en hulp. En wat een prachtige materialen om mee te werken! Trots en blij met een mooi notebook mee naar huis. 😍 Michelle en Sascha