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€53.72 Excl. VAT • €65 Incl. VAT
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The workshop in detail
ATELIER CONÇU POUR UNE ÉQUIPE : Participez à cet atelier avec vos collaborateurs et créez ensemble des souvenirs uniques.
Plongez dans l’univers des cosmétiques zéro déchet lors de cet atelier collaboratif et engagé !
Aux côtés de Suzana, vous découvrirez des alternatives naturelles aux produits de beauté classiques. Vous aurez ici la possibilité de réaliser trois soins essentiels du quotidien : un gommage corporel, un déodorant et un dentifrice en poudre, en utilisant des ingrédients biologiques et des recettes faciles à reproduire à la maison.
Les participants seront divisés en trois groupes, chacun responsable de la création d’un produit pour l’ensemble de l'équipe. Une manière ludique et interactive de favoriser l’échange et la cohésion, tout en développant des habitudes plus responsables !
À la fin de l’atelier, chacun repartira avec ses trois cosmétiques zéro déchet, prêts à trouver leur place dans la salle de bain !
Workshop location
The workshop is easily accessible by public transport (Brussels-Central).
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Cosmetic Creator
In her thirties, Suzana was facing many health problems.
These were the product of a busy working life, constant stress, poor diet and frequent travel.
As conventional Western medicine offered no answers, she and her partner began to look for alternatives.
Her healing journey involved understanding what she was really putting on her skin. The skin is the largest organ and is extremely absorbent, which contributes significantly to our overall health.
This led them to discover the dirty little secrets of the cosmetics industry.
It turns out that traditional cosmetics contain dangerous toxins such as heavy metals, phthalates and hundreds of others linked to cancer, hormonal disorders, fertility problems...
The path to healing has been tenacious and has opened up a whole new world for discovering natural herbal remedies, oriental herbal medicine and aromatherapy.
It became clear that only natural and edible ingredients should be used on the skin. However, a 100% pure natural cosmetic product was impossible to find on the market.
This is how "Oh Lou Lou" was born. A small family venture with a big dream to make the world greener and better.
They make 100% natural, 100% organic cosmetics with edible ingredients and ZERO man-made chemicals.
Motto: "Can't eat it? Don't put it on your skin!"
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€53.72 Excl. VAT
per person