By language
per personThe workshop in detail
Janna invites you to immerse yourself in the timeless world of leather working, where you'll have the privilege of crafting your very own leather accessory using the saddle stitch technique.
Upon your arrival, you'll be warmly welcomed over a delightful beverage, creating an atmosphere of conviviality. The expert will take pleasure in introducing you to the fundamentals of leather working. Explore the tools, essential techniques, and discover how to select the ideal leather for your project.
Next, you'll have the opportunity to choose the item you wish to create. A cardholder or a coin purse? The choice is yours.
From a carefully curated range of leathers by the leatherworker, you'll also have plenty of options to personalise your accessory.
Finally, with the guidance of a template, you'll learn how to cut the leather before mastering the art of saddle stitch sewing to bring your creation to life.
Once the finishing touches are added, you'll leave with your beautiful leather accessory.
Workshop location
The workshop is easily accessible by public transport.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Practical information
As soon as you arrive, you'll be warmly welcomed with a drink.
Leather worker
Meet Janna, a passionate leatherworker who has turned leather into her chosen art form.
To begin with, she delved into the world of textiles, exploring its various facets until she succumbed to the magic of leather. To refine her craftsmanship, she chose to receive training at the prestigious Arts et MĆ©tiers.
Located in the beautiful city of LiĆØge, this enthusiast decided to travel the world in search of new inspirations and techniques. Her journeys took her to every corner of the globe. From Argentina, where she studied shoe crafting, to Mexico, where she delved into leather embroidery, Janna immersed herself in local artisanal traditions to enrich her repertoire.
Blessed with an insatiable curiosity and a constant drive to reinvent herself, the leatherworker primarily focuses on bespoke creations. Her workshop is nestled within a repurposed factory in LiĆØge, housing several artists and creators. Be sure to dress warmly, as the workshop can sometimes be chilly.
Join Janna's workshop and let yourself be charmed by the art of leather in a dynamic and joyful atmosphere!
CĆ©cilia R
Un atelier extra ;) Janna a Ć©tĆ© trĆØs pĆ©dagogue et a partagĆ© des choses intĆ©ressantes sur son mĆ©tier de maroquiniĆØre. Je repars avec un objet et des notions d'un savoir-faire trĆØs chouette ! Je vous recommande l'atelier Ć 100%
Sabrina P
Super atelier chez Janna! Moment convivial et instructif. Premier contact avec une technique artisanale que je n'avais jamais approchĆ©e et Janna Ć pris le temps d'expliquer, de montrer... Elle parle de son mĆ©tier avec passion, un vrai bon moment !
Elisabeth J
ExpĆ©rience en duo avec ma soeur. On voulais passer un moment ensemble et on s est dit qu un atelier serait top et Ƨa a Ć©tĆ© le cas ! MĆŖme plus que top! Janna nous a expliquĆ© son parcours et les diffĆ©rentes Ć©tapes par lesquelles nous allions passer pour crĆ©er notre porte monnaie en cuir. J ai beaucoup de ce moment d Ć©change et d apprentissage. Merci encore !
Emmanuelle C
PremiĆØre expĆ©rience ! Super gai ! Tant lāatelier que Janna qui aime partager. Je reviendrai prochainement pour un autre atelier et je māen rĆ©jouis dĆ©jĆ š. Contente de sortir avec un petite rĆ©alisation š
Benoit M
Super moment, j ai appris plein de choses. Super pour un premier contact avec le cuir! Merci!
ValƩrie M
Super moment passĆ© avec une animatrice trĆØs sympa et conviviale dans un cadre atypique. Belle dĆ©couverte du travail du cuir. Ć recommander !
Laura G
Un atelier absolument gĆ©nial ! Janna est une personne pĆ©tillante et adorable, avec qui on se sent tout de suite bien. Lāusine est un vrai patchwork crĆ©atif, ultra catchy et improbable, et rien que le lieu vaut le dĆ©tour. On a dāabord choisi nos peaux parmi diffĆ©rents cuirs (vache, chĆØvre, agneauā¦). Ensuite, Janna nous a montrĆ© les outils et les gabarits quāon allait utiliser. Ć chaque Ć©tape, elle expliquait comment faire et passait voir chez chacun si tout se passait bien. Ć la fin, on a pu personnaliser notre crĆ©ation en gravant un nom, une date ou des initiales. Une expĆ©rience hyper enrichissante que je recommande !