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The workshop in detail
TEAM WORKSHOP: Take part in this workshop with your colleagues and create unique memories together.
Take a break from plants with Maud and Camille!
They'll bring you together for a friendly and inspiring break, during which everyone will have the opportunity to design their own terrarium.
As soon as you arrive, you'll be greeted by the experts, who will take the time to share their love of plants and the basics of their craft.
Then it's up to you! Each participant will learn the key steps to creating their own miniature ecosystem: preparing layers of substrate, choosing the right plants and maintenance tips to ensure longevity.
Laughing and chatting, you'll work the soil and carefully arrange your plants. You'll even be able to add a few decorative touches to personalise your creation.
At the end of the workshop, each collaborator will leave with their own little bubble of greenery, ready to decorate their home and bear witness to this wonderful shared moment!
Note: A hot drink can be offered to enhance this unique experience.
Additional Services Note: If you wish to add any additional services, please specify in your enquiry and the artisan will amend the quotation.
Workshop location
Maud and Camille's workshop is located next to the Atelier des Lumières district and is easily accessible by public transport. The studio is accessible to people with reduced mobility, just let the artisan know in advance 😊
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Artisans Fleuristes
Dans cette aventure palpitante autour des fleurs, il y a Maud & Camille !
Deux anciennes publicitaires qui se sont lancées un challenge fou : embellir le quotidien des Français, rien que ça ! Les deux jeunes femmes se rencontrent en 2014 en agence de publicité et deviennent depuis inséparables.
Elles décident alors de relever à deux le défi de lancer une boutique de fleurs à leur image : colorée, pétillante et originale.
Leurs CAP fleuriste en poche, elles sautent le pas et se lancent dans la grande aventure de l’entrepreneuriat en créant une boutique qui se veut ouverte à tous, de quartier, chaleureuse, engagée et vraiment différente d’une boutique de fleurs traditionnelle.
Elles vous accueillent dans un atelier appartement hyper coloré et défendent au mieux leur engagement envers la planète en ne travaillant qu'avec des fleurs de saison, au maximum locales et en compostant leurs déchets verts.
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€60 Excl. VAT
per person