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  5. Pottery and ceramics

Model and decorate your own mug

Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°1
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°2
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°3
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°4
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°5
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°6
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°7
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°8
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°9
Wecandoo - Model and decorate your own mug - Image nĀ°10

2 hours of discovery with Brad or Claudia

Knowledge in ceramics

Your hand-shaped and decorate mug

The workshop in detail

  • 2h
  • 15 years min.
  • 4 to 12 participants
  • Up to 20 people for a privatization
  • Immerse yourself in the world of ceramics alongside Brad or ClaudiaĀ  from the Epsiloc team!

    These passionate creators will be delighted to welcome you to this session dedicated to exploring the fascinating art of ceramics. They will first offer you a tour of the studio, as well as an introduction to the basics of ceramics: the raw materials, different moulding techniques, the importance of drying time, glazing concepts, and the double firing process.

    Next, you will take your place for the first step of the workshop: preparing the clay. This is an essential moment where you will experience the power of stoneware and its endless possibilities for the first time!

    Under Brad or Claudia's attentive guidance, you will proceed to shape a mug according to your desired design. The artisan will be there to assist you, provide advice, and answer any questions you may have.

    You will also have the opportunity to decorate your creation with engobe, adding a touch of colour and, most importantly, your personal touch!

    Once you have completed your piece, you will entrust it to Brad, who will take care of the drying, firing, and glazing processes. You will also arrange the details for collecting your finished piece directly with her (usually within a few days).

    Finally, you will leave with the joy of having shared a timeless moment while creating an object that can now accompany you in your daily life!

    Workshop location

    L'atelier est accessible en transports en commun et en voiture (Parking facile et gratuit). Via le tram 8 - arrĆŖt Hermann-Debroux. Via le bus 41 - arrĆŖt "SacrĆ©-Cœur".

    This place is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.

    Additional information

    Languages of the workshop


    Practical information

    To participate in this workshop, please plan to wear comfortable clothing suitable for the practice and cleaning at the end of the session. It is also advisable to have short nails and tied-up hair. If possible, consider bringing your own apron.

    Please note that there is a risk of breakage during the firing process. These are inherent uncertainties of the craft, and the artisan cannot be held responsible.

    Wecandoo - Meet Claudia

    Meet Claudia

    Ceramist and Turner

    Italian born Claudia has been a ceramist since 2008. It has been the common thread in all her adventures, she has never stopped practicing it!

    Through her travels across countries and years, she has been inspired by all her experiences, both personal and professional.

    Between her PhD in physics from Cambridge, her experiences in social work in South Africa and her training as a coach, Claudia has so much to pass on! Jovial and friendly, she practices ubuntu on a daily basis: a notion close to the concepts of humanity and fraternity.

    She welcomes you with joy in her beautiful workshop shared with other artisans.


    Laura Z

    Laura Z


    Atelier trĆØs agrĆ©able, c'est une excellente idĆ©e Ć©galement pour un team building avec des collĆØgues. Je le recommande !

    Louna L

    Louna L


    Super atelier avec une prof vraiment passionnĆ©e, mille mercis šŸ˜Š

    Madeleine H

    Madeleine H


    Un tout grand merci Ć  Claudia. Nous avons passĆ© un super moment, dans une ambiance relaxante qui Ć©tait trĆØs agrĆ©able ! J'ai dĆ©jĆ  hĆ¢te de boire mes thĆ©s et cafĆ©s dans ma tasse šŸ˜Š

    Christine W

    Christine W


    Belle expĆ©rience ! HĆ¢te de voir le rĆ©sultat dans un mois !

    Sophie R

    Sophie R


    Merci Ć  Claudia. C'Ć©tait super, on a adorĆ© et avons hĆ¢te d'aller chercher notre tasse aprĆØs cuisson. Un vrai vrai moment de dĆ©connexion.

    Estelle K

    Estelle K


    Je tiens Ơ exprimer toute ma gratitude envers Juan ! Ce fut une expƩrience formidable, l'atelier Ʃtait tout simplement gƩnial avec une ambiance fantastique ! Juan dƩgage une Ʃnergie tellement positive - il a su nous faire profiter de l'atelier avec enthousiasme et positivitƩ. J'ai vraiment adorƩ chaque moment. Merci encore, Juan !! Estelle

    Isabelle E

    Isabelle E


    Quelle belle expĆ©rience! Merci Juan pour ton accueil, ton humanitĆ© et la transmission de ton art. Ambiance trĆØs sympa. HĆ¢te de voir mon bĆ©bĆ© crĆ©ationšŸ˜Š

    ChloƩ L

    ChloƩ L


    Cā€™Ć©tait vraiment une chouette expĆ©rience! Pour mes amis et moi cā€™Ć©tait une premiĆØre et on a vraiment passĆ© un bon moment, trĆØs relaxant et en bonne compagnie! HĆ¢te de voir le rĆ©sultat. Merci beaucoup pour cette dĆ©couverte!

    Claire A

    Claire A


    Un tout grand merci Ć  Claudia, qui nous a permis de dĆ©couvrir lā€™art du pinching avec une approche ludique et relaxante. On travaille lā€™argile en groupe en sā€™amusant. Je suis trĆØs fiĆØre du mug que Claudia mā€™a aidĆ© Ć  crĆ©er. On travaille dā€™abord donc la forme du mug, ensuite on choisis dā€™ajouter une anse (ou deux, ou trois ;) ensuite on peint et on crĆ©er des motifs en relief. Claudia sā€™occupera ensuite de lā€™Ć©maillage et de la cuisson (si jā€™ai bien compris). Toute les Ć©tapes sont sympathiquement expliquĆ©es. Je la remercie chaleureusement pour sa pĆ©dagogie et sa bienveillance.

    Louise P

    Louise P


    C'Ć©tait vraiment un super atelier ! Merci Ć  Brad pour ses bons conseils. On a passĆ© un super moment de convivialitĆ© et de pratique. HĆ¢te de passer rĆ©cupĆ©rer nos mugs ! Louise & Manon

    Melina M

    Melina M


    Superbe atelier/moment de dĆ©tente et de partage. Nous sommes guidĆ©s sans ĆŖtre dirigĆ©s pour crĆ©er notre objet en cĆ©ramique, notre Ā«Ā petit bĆ©bĆ©Ā Ā» comme lā€™a appelĆ© Brad. Je recommande, merci !


    per person