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per personThe workshop in detail
Join Rani, a passionate artisan who will be delighted to welcome you to her workshop.
After getting to know each other, she will take you on a tour of the premises and introduce you to the theoretical underpinnings of her craft. You will learn about the specifics of the Tiffany technique, named after its inventor, which uses copper wires to connect the various pieces that make up a stained glass window.
Then it's up to you! Guided by Rani, you will be taken step-by-step through the various stages of creating your stained glass. From choosing the colours to cutting the glass, soldering and finishing, all these technical gestures will have no secrets for you!
You will also have the opportunity to bring your own design to the workshop, and will be able to discuss it directly with the artisan and make any necessary adjustments.
At the end of the day, you will leave with your own magnificent creation, 100% personalised to your taste, that will enhance your home!
NB: There will be a lunch break during this workshop, so don't forget to bring your own lunch.
Workshop location
The workshop is easily accessible by public transport.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Practical information
For this workshop, please bring your own lunch.
Stained glass artist
As a child, Rani was captivated by her father's marble and glass workshop, sparking an obsession with experimentation using paint, clay, textiles, paper, glass, rope, leather and any material she could get her hands on.
What began as a childhood passion transformed into a lifelong career. Rani's formal training began in 2006 when she enrolled in the stained glass course at the Antwerp Academy. After completing her studies, she worked for a glass company restoring church windows and later for the opera and theater sector.Ā
She's entirely self-taught in several disciplines, including pottery and welding, and now seamlessly combines these skills to create her designs.Ā
While Rani experiments with various materials, glass remains her constant passion. She explores various techniques such as stained glass, copper foil, lighting, mirrors, fusing, and large constructions with flat glass.
Rani is environmentally conscious and strives to reuse everything she can
Her charming workshop is located at the Blikfabriek, where she is surrounded by fellow artisans.Ā
Rani loves teaching and sharing her passion with others. She is a friendly, relaxed and helpful person who's happy to experiment with any material that catches her eye.Ā
Cillian O
Heel fijne workshop! Duidelijke uitleg en begeleiding, en genoeg tijd om tot een fijn resultaat te komen. Zeker aan te raden!
Anne Paule F
Un trĆØs agrĆ©able moment! Le travail du verre est passionnant et Rani nous transmet son enthousiasme. La technique Ć©tant difficile pour ceux qui ne l'ont jamais expĆ©rimentĆ©e, Rani nous aide Ć rectifier nos erreurs, mais elle nous laisse faire le maximum. Finalement j'ai vraiment l'impression que j'ai fait moi-mĆŖme le vitrail et que je serais capable de le refaire plus joli la prochaine fois! Merci Rani!
Eric L
Een leuke techniek om mooie dingen te maken, en perfect begeleid door een heel simpathieke ambachtsvrouw. Bedankt Rani !!
laura k
Suuuper leuke workshop, inspirerende artieste en en je hebt de vrijheid om je eigen ontwerp je uit te werken. Echt een aanrader!!
per person
Martin R
J'ai vraiment adorĆ© l'atelier de Rani ! Je suis venu avec mon idĆ©e de design trĆØs spĆ©cifique que j'avais travaillĆ© un peu avant, et nous avons pu en parler sur place pour simplifier et le rendre rĆ©alisable. Rani nous aide dans toutes les Ć©tapes de l'atelier, dans la bonne humeur et dans son charmant atelier du centre ville. Ravi d'y avoir participĆ© et d'avoir une belle crĆ©ation, merci encore!