By language
per personThe workshop in detail
Travel across continents and awaken your taste buds with the spices of the world!
Sandrine invites you to discover the spices of the world during a two-hour workshop, during which you will create your own custom spice blend for cooking!
You will be welcomed into a cosy workshop, filled with the incredible aroma of a thousand spices.
You will sit comfortably while the passionate producer presents the history and culture of each spice (supply chain, country of production, characteristics, varieties, manufacturing process).
Your palate will begin to tingle with excitement at the thought of discovering all the flavors. You will taste, smell, touch, and break different spices from around the world. Depending on the workshop theme, you will learn how to create a curry, za'atar, or garam masala!
Sandrine will explain the art of spice blending and guide you in creating your very own spice blend, using a traditional mortar or manual grinder.
At the end of the workshop, you will leave with your own unique and personalised spice blend, ready to transform your dishes with your own culinary signature!
This experience will stay with you long after the exotic aroma of the spices has dissipated.This workshop is provided in several languages simultaneously. The artisan will adapt the language of the workshop according to the participants present.
Workshop location
The workshop is easily accessible by public transport.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Spice maker
Born into a family passionate about gastronomy and travel, Sandrine began her career in finance before setting off to explore the Congo, where she fell in love with Kivu pepper.
Since then, she has been constantly traveling the world in search of rare and exceptional spices, which she produces and markets with passion and commitment.
Her production network in the Congo guarantees impeccable quality and traceability for spices such as cinnamon, cumin, coriander, vanilla, pepper, and of course the famous Kivu pepper.
But the passionate artisan doesn't stop there: Sandrine also offers origin spices and specialties from other producers and regions around the world.
In November 2021, she took the leap and opened her shop in the heart of Brussels, becoming an Ali Baba's cave of spices for foodies and cooking enthusiasts.
Through her love for spices, Sandrine aims to awaken consciousness and taste buds by sharing her expertise on spice production, drying, and usage in cooking.
Her captivating personality and unique experience will transport you on an exceptional sensorial journey.
Axelle S
Magnifique expĆ©rience! Sandrine nous a partagĆ© sa passion pour les Ć©pices avec tellement de gĆ©nĆ©rositĆ© et dāenthousiasme que nous avons Ć la fois Ć©tĆ© comblĆ©s par sa prĆ©sence que par les arĆ“mes des diffĆ©rentes Ć©pices prĆ©sentĆ©es. Sandrine pousse lāexpĆ©rience de la dĆ©couverte des produits pour en extraire les moindres saveurs. Elle nous a ensuite laissĆ© crĆ©er notre propre mĆ©lange en nous guidant, si nĆ©cessaire, en fonction de nos goĆ»ts et prĆ©fĆ©rences. Encore merci pour ce moment, nous recommandons cet atelier Ć 100%!
Rachida E
Sandrine, mille mercis pour cet atelier. J'ai partagĆ© un trĆØs bon moment. Tu as partagĆ© ton savoir-faire avec coeur et patience. Atelier Ć dĆ©couvrir absolument pour les passionnĆ©s comme pour les dĆ©butants.
Gaƫlle L
Super atelier trĆØs clair et enthousiasmant proposĆ© par Sandrine. IdĆ©al pour comprendre comment bien choisir ses Ć©pices et comment prĆ©parer un mĆ©lange pour un assaisonnement savoureux.
Marie Josee B
ExpƩrience incroyable ! Sandrine nous partage sa passion et nous ouvre un monde si mal connu et pourtant si savoureux. Elle nous a ouvert les sens et l'esprit sur un produit pris plus acquis. Ce fut un si beau moment, hautement recommandƩ!
Chantal B
Atelier trĆØs agrĆ©able et trĆØs instructif, Sandrine, trĆØs Ć lāĆ©coute, nous guidait dans son monde des Ć©pices suivant nos connaissances et nos attentes. Un tout grand merci
Margaret T
Atelier trĆØs aromatique dans un magasin de caractĆØre. Sandrine est trĆØs gĆ©nĆ©reuse dans le partage de ses connaissances et passion pour les Ć©pices. Un rĆ©gal pour les sens et quel vaste choix d'Ć©pices. Chacun est parti avec un bel mĆ©lange d'Ć©pices. Une adresse bruxelloise Ć rĆ©pertorier. Au revoir les Ć©pices fades et poussiĆ©reuses! J'ai adorĆ© cet atelier.