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Make your own hot sauce

Wecandoo - Make your own hot sauce - Image nĀ°1
Wecandoo - Make your own hot sauce - Image nĀ°2
Wecandoo - Make your own hot sauce - Image nĀ°3
Wecandoo - Make your own hot sauce - Image nĀ°4
Wecandoo - Make your own hot sauce - Image nĀ°5
Wecandoo - Make your own hot sauce - Image nĀ°6

3h discovery with Yannick and his team

Knowledge of fermentation

Your hot sauce and an "on fire" tasting of chillies

The workshop in detail

  • 2h
  • 15 years min.
  • 3 to 12 participants
  • Up to 15 people for a privatization
  • Ready to play with fire?

    Meet Yannick, passionate about fermentation and learn how to cook your own hot sauce!

    First of all, Yannick will take the time to tell you about his background and his attraction to the mystery of fermentation and all that it offers.

    With a lot of pedagogy, he will explain the basic principles, share his knowledge of the different varieties of chillies and... make you taste them!

    Then, together, you will prepare the chillies needed for your hot sauce recipe!

    Then, step by step, he will teach you how to cook and garnish it until it is ready to be put in a jar.

    After this workshop, you will leave Yannick with your own jar of hot sauce to enjoy at home!

    This workshop is offered in French, Dutch and English. Yannick will adapt the language of the workshop according to the participants present.

    Workshop location

    Yannick's workshop is located a few minutes' walk from the Pannenhuis metro station (line 6) and the DieudonnĆ© LefĆØvre bus stop (line 88).

    This place is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

    Additional information

    Languages of the workshop


    Practical information

    The studio is not heated, and for good reason! Yannick and his team ferment the lactos at room temperature and they don't want to rush these fermentations. The temperature in the studio varies between 15 and 25 degrees throughout the year. Dress warmly!

    Wecandoo - Meet Yannick & his team

    Meet Yannick & his team

    Fermentation Specialist

    It was in 2017 that Yannick decided to switch careers and start his own business, with a desire to share his passion for fermentation.Ā 

    He wants to test all the possibilities that fermentation has to offer, moving beyond the popular classics such as beer, bread, or kombucha. He therefore performed various experiments with vegan charcuterie, miso, and even vinegar. A passionate convert, but also very socially engaged, he uses only local products.Ā 

    His openness and his teaching ability allow him to transmit his passion through his own workshop, sharing all the mysteries of fermentation!


    Quentin M

    Quentin M


    C'Ć©tait ma premiĆØre expĆ©rience Wecandoo et, sincĆØrement, on ne pouvait pas espĆ©rer mieux ! L'atelier Ć©tait interactif, dynamique, original et on Ć©tait accompagnĆ©s d'un super artisan, Yannick, qui Ć©tait vraiment passionnĆ© par son job, qui a rĆ©pondu Ć  toutes nos questions et qui nous a dĆ©livrĆ© de nombreux conseils ! Et nous avons pu rentrer chez nous avec une sauce piquante Ć  fermenter Ć  la maison, rien Ć  dire!

    Marc D

    Marc D


    Superbe atelier ! Yannick est sympa et bon pĆ©dagogue. Bon Ć©quilibre entre explications, dĆ©gustation et prĆ©paration des sauces. Le tout dans un chouette lieu et une ambiance conviviale. ƀ conseiller ! Merci encore.

    Martin C

    Martin C


    Je m'attendais Ć  un "simple" atelier de fabrication de sauce mais au final c'est une dĆ©couverte assez complĆØte du monde de la fermentation qui m'a Ć©tĆ© prĆ©sentĆ© lors de cet atelier. Yannick est un passionnĆ© et Ƨa se ressent dans sa maniĆØre d'expliquer. Nous Ć©tions venu en groupe et tout le monde a adorĆ© l'atelier. ƀ faire pour toute personne curieuse de ce genre d'artisanat.

    Geoffrey L

    Geoffrey L


    Encore merci Ć  Yannick pour ce trĆØs chouette aprĆØs-midi oĆ¹ j'ai beaucoup appris et apprĆ©ciĆ© totalement l'expĆ©rience! Je conseille Ć  tout le monde!

    Marine V

    Marine V


    TrĆØs chouette atelier oĆ¹ nous avons pu apprendre de nombreuses choses sur la fermentation et le monde du piment mais aussi faire de nouvelles expĆ©riences gustatives.

    ZĆ© A

    ZĆ© A


    Great experience last night. I wondered before the atelier what would we do for 2h but it was ideal. Combination of learning, tasting and exploring new flavours. Thank you Yannick it was the perfect birthday gift for my friend.

    Patrick O

    Patrick O


    merci Yannick pour ce chouette atelier. Une belle et intĆ©ressante dĆ©couverte avec en prime des sensations trĆØs "Hot". Une suggestion peut-ĆŖtre: demander aux participants d'apporter leur pot parfait afin de repartir avec le mĆ©lange mis en fermentation et pouvoir dĆ©couvrir aprĆØs un mois ce que cela donne en live. Bravo encore!

    Marc L

    Marc L


    Merci, Yannick, de nous avoir transmis ta passion et ton savoir-faire de la fermentation

    SĆ©bastien D

    SĆ©bastien D


    Bien plus qu'une sauce piquante c'est une super introduction au monde de la fermentation avec un passionnƩ ! Je recommande vivement :)


    per person